- Nik and Rebecca plans to go to Greece.
- Ethan tells Lucky the truth about Rebecca's arrival to PC.
- Lucky asks for Liz's advice.
- Lucky tells Nik the truth about Rebecca.
- Rebecca goes to Nik to hopefully cover her ass.
- Nik tells Rebecca he doesn't want to see her any more and gives her and check for a millions dollars for her services.
- Rebecca goes to Liz where she is able to convince her that she truly loves Nik.
- Rebecca heads back to Jake's where she slaps Lucky for telling Nik.
- Rebecca gets drunks and starts flirting with Dante infront of Nik who takes her back to his room.
- Nik loses it.
- Lucky witnesses Nik and Liz in a close moment and punches Nik.
- Nik and Liz share a kiss after the reveal.
- The Q's are told about Rebecca's scams and one person's reaction is shocking.
- Liz spends the night at Wyndemere.
- Robin catches the killer.
- Michael and Kristina are able to escape Jerry's henchmen.
- They head to Cancun to start there new lives.
- Michael and Kristina get a job at the resort where Michael meets a girl and experiences his first kiss.
- Sam misinterprets Jason's actions.
- Jason and Sam hit the sheets week of Aug 24. Hearing they actually fall on to the sheets.
- Rumors Jason tells Sam he didn't love Liz was projecting his love for jake on to her.
- Sonny tells Olivia he has to give his marriage a chance. (Does she really care?)
- Olivia's secrets are let out.
- Carly accuses Jax of keeping secrets.
- Carly notices a resemblance between Dante and Morgan
- Diane works to get Alexis off Murder charges.
- Andrea thinks she pinned the crime on the wrong person.
Liason (Rumors I pray are not true)...
From DD:
Kristina hears Jasons' hearts' desire. And it's not her sister. Look for Sam not to believe it and pursue Jason like never before.
Sam in pursuit of Jason puts Liz on edge. Maxie plays up the Jason/Sam relationship to Liz.
Jason does not feel any romantic feelings, no matter what Sam tries. She turns to Lucky who speaks of how he and Maxie hooked up.
Sam takes a page from Maxie's book, after getting news from Dr. Kelly that sets her wheels spinning.
Jason's attempt to reach out to Liz are thwarted by Sam, and a surprising person.
A WTD storyline, albeit one sided for Sam since Lucky is the man she's slept with and Jason only thinks he slept with Sam.
Jason and Liz give in to their desires.
Jake is outted and kidnapped, but by whom? A hint is they had a mexican adventure together, and No it's not Jasam.
Turns out, Sam isn't what she seems at all and never was. Look for a revelation so shocking it sends Alexis banning her from her life, Jason to question if he ever felt anything for her.
Finally justice will be served on Sam as she reaps what she's been sowing for a long time. Is it in the form of lady justice or watching the man she's obsessed with out in the open with his baby's mother and the woman he loves?
If this Liason stuff is true I will stop watching GH for good.
LIASON FAN FICTION -- That's all I can say. Let it go people.
OMG....ugh this better be fan fic cause if it plays out I'm done. Liason tanks the ratings as we've seen...this has to be false
wishful thinking on Liason fans part. :)
This sounds SOOO Fan made! It makes no sense! LOL
tthe liason fans cannot stand the fact that jasam are coming back together gosh. anyway i only believe sbu who conmfirmed on a event that jason wont be lonely anymore and that the fans are not stupid and we can see that from a mile away. he basically confirmed that sam will his again and also SOS said that jason and sam will sleep together.
besides that stuff with jason saying that he thinks that he never felt something for sam is just bullshit. this liasons wish because it will mean that the 2 yrs of relationship was just a lie or a fling. jason asked to marry him twice wanted to have kids with was willing to commit to her.
LOL This "spoiler" is so made up. I won't lie Jason & Liz were cute together like 10 years ago. Now they really seem to have no chemistry. I don't even like Liz with Lucky, Liz needs a new man (not Nik). Jason and Sam have a great love story, should get back together, and she should get preggers. Sam finally get her baby WITH Jason.
You are sooooo full of crap...this is about as realistic as Santa Clause, toothfairy, and oh yeah, a pig just flew out of my @$$....Come on, stop with this nonsense and accept that the head honchos at GH realized that viewers stopped paying attention when Jason was paired with Liz. Jason & Sam make a lot more sense than Liz & Jason. Jasam have a wonderful love that never died, it went through rough times, but never died. Acceptance is the first step in getting well & moving on. LONG LIVE JASAM!!!
This does not eve sound real at all. What about Liz and Lucky or Liz and Nik? What happened to all those storylines. We've been hearing about Jasam for months now and out of nowhere this pops up. NOT TRUE!
basically everyone said it this is the liason fans doing and is practically reaking of them " sam finally gets served" hahah and sam throwing her self at jason......hmmm i can't see that happening liz on the other hand i could. seriously liason peeps are going bonkers and have lost their minds completely
Of course those rumors aren't true. If you go by just what we have been watching on screen, you know none of that would make sense. Jason already shows that he's interested in Sam, so she wouldn't need to "throw herself at him" and even if she did, he'd respond wholeheartedly. It's just stupid Jiz fanfic.
I hope this is all a lie. I'm tired of Sam's character getting ruined. I like the way she is now. i actually don't want her with Jason though. I hope they can bring someone new into her life, someone who is a bad boy but who will love her. Jason will never be able to love someone emotions are not part of him he cant love, work will always be a priority.
Jason tells Sam he didn't love Liz was projecting his love for jake on to her.
This is a rumor I do not like at all. I loved the way Jason and Liz were, and he can't go saying to Liz how much he truly loves her and it's so real, he's never loved anyone like he loved her and then tell Sam it was all for Jake.
I like him and Sam together too, don't get me wrong. I just think that it's a dumb thing to say and a lie.
We all know that the writers will one day have Liz and Jason back together and then apart's just how they get people to watch...but why make it so extreme?
And as far as this paternity swap that brings JaSam better not be that Jake isn't his.
I don't know what else it could be. But it better not be that Jake isn't his!
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