- Sam lashes out at Ethan for leaving bruises on Kristina's arm.
- Ethan finds Kristina badly beaten at her home and takes her to the hospital.
- Kristina scratches Ethan's face when he goes to help her.
- Sonny is sickened at the thought of his daughter getting beaten like Adella did.
- Kristina tells Sonny and Alexis that it was Ethan.
- Kristina sticks to her story when questioned by Lucky.
- Sonny goes after Ethan, Dante stops him.
- Ethan claims innocence when Lucky cuffs him.
- Sonny wants Ethan to pay with his life.
- Dante is affected when he watches Sonny stay by Kristina's bedside.
- Johnny defends Ethan.
- Tracy bails Ethan out of jail but she's not convinces of his innocence.
- Lulu catches Ethan as he's about to flee town.
- Jason finds holes in Kristina's story.
- Kristina gets upset when Jason is close to the truth.
- Sam attacks Ethan.
- Sam refuses to believe Kristina is lying about who attacked her and Jason shouldn't believe anything Ethan says.
- Sam helps Kristina cover up her bruises with make up.
- Ethan violates his restraining order to confront Kristina.
- Carly shares her suspicion that Kiefer beat Kristina with Jason
- Maxie begins having trouble breathing at work, Kate and Lulu rush her to the hospital.
- Maxie learns she has pneumonia.
- Spin feels secure with his relationship with Maxie.
- Maxie is scared her time is running out.
- Maxie promises Spinelli she'll fight for her life.
Sonny VS The STATE...
- Sonny rally's before the trial.
- Jury members for the trial are Alice, Coleman, and Lisa.
- Dante shows up at the island, and Michael hides.
- Dante lashes out at Claire for involving Michael in Sonny's trial.
- Helena is thrilled when she learns Lucky is the father.
- Helena comes up with a plan to make everyone believe its Nik's.
- Liz and Nik learn that Nik is the father, Lucky is disappointed.
Where are the JaSam spoilers?
Do miss them. Hope to see some great ones in the near future. Thanks, Sami!
Oh no, not another " who's the daddy" drama. It's so old and poor Lucky for not knowing that the baby is his. I'm exciting to see how the Krithan story is going to be playing out but not liking that Kris is blaiming Ethan for the attack. I like Ethan and really feel he needs a friend on his side. I like Spinelli a lot but They should get rid of Maxie. She's so annoying and i can't stand her whiny voice and querulous manner of speaking. Sorry. Love to see the Jasam disagreement :) it's like salt and pepper in a soup; makes their relationship morte spicy ;)!
I agree with you there. a disagreement between jason and sam will spice things up especially when they make up. They just better not break them up though.
I don't think there's anything more than a disagreement between Sam and Jason. They used to argue and have different opinions in the past so it's part what and who they are. They are honest ( imo Jason wasn't himself during SOS so that doesn't count...)and truly themselves together so they can disagree of things and that doesn't destabilise their relationship. Their Island scene was adorable and sweet. Jason was soooo relaxed there, smiling, flirting with Sam and they looked so gorgeous together. How do they keep that chemistry alive all these years? If i didn't know better i'd say they look like a real couple :)!
"...makes their relationship morte spicy ;)! "
sorry, more spicy.
Did you mean "Spinelli feels INsecure with his relationship with Maxie"? I wonder what's going to happen with them. Maybe Spixie has run its course.
When are Dante & Lulu going to have sex? All the interuptions are getting old, plus they just need to shut up and get on with it.
I have liked Spinelli from the beginning but i don't think Maxie is good for him. He's always unsure about their relationship and his self-esteem is not good enough to keep contented a girl like Maxie. In another board there was a chat about possibilities for Liason in the future. Even BH told in an interwiev that Lucky is Liz's true love and endgame so i really agree with her about that. I never ever want Liason again. They were truly the most boring couple in GH. If TPTB decides to go for it i could deal with it only if the actors that now presents Liz and Jason will be changed. Jason belongs with Sam and Liz with Lucky.
I so agree with your assessment of jason, sam, lucky, and liz. If you think about it, liz doesn't like taking dangerous risks and lucky didn't deal well with the danger juncky in sam. jason likes to take risks and so does sam. They are the perfect couples. Lucky with liz and sam with jason. Liz needs therapy to deal with her issues of wanting what she doesn't have and her self destructive nature. Once she gets the help she needs, maybe her and lucky would be better for eachother. They do compliment eachother and i liked the old lucky and liz scenes when he was her protector after the rape. I can't stand the fact that she has been destructive to sam, jason, and lucky.
I think Liz and Jason are good as friends but not as a couple. Jason may have doubts about Liz being trustworthy in her relationships with men after what he has wittnessed and heard about Liz's affair with Nik. I believe even though Lucky has told Liz that they are never going to be together anymore that someday they'll be a couple again. In the end Lucky loves Liz and Liz loves Lucky. I do not like Liz very much but with Lucky she's so sweet and believable and i really like them :)! I wish the Krithan story brings Jason and Sam closer and stronger in their relationship despite the arguing about Kristina's attacker.
Oh, am so glad am not the only one looking forward to the Jasam disagreement. Makeup sex is hot people!!
Oh, am so glad am not the only one looking forward to the Jasam disagreement. Makeup sex is hot people!!
Monday's episode around the abusive story was great! The acting by the actors were so real that i almost had tears in my eyes when Kristina and Kiefer started crying after the beating. Then Sam was so upset and maybe afraid of what happens to Kristina. I think Sam doesn't want to face the thruth that Kris isn't anymore the innocent little sister that she whants her to be. Kristina imo is to Sam like her own child just like Jason feels about Michael. I wish they would connect Sam's own abusive past to this story.
I was also very pleased with the way the abuse was portrayed. I agree that they should connect sam's abusive past with Kristina's situation. When sam was yelling at ethan, I got the feeling that part of her was reflecting on what she had gone through. She yelled at him about knocking around a woman when that hadn't happened yet. She refused to believe that kristina had any fault in what happened.
She knows kristina has lied in the past and been sneaky but she refuses to believe kristina would go as far as stalking ethan. In a way, I think kristina and sam are very similar. Granted, sam has matured and i don't believe she would go to the same extremes as before but she used to be a lot like kristina. I also think that maybe sam thinks that, because kristina had a different upbringing than she did,kristina would not suffer for the same problems sam has had to deal with. Kristina has a mother who loves her, whereas sam had no one who really loved her. Sam's left her and sam's dad only used her for financial gain.
"When sam was yelling at ethan, I got the feeling that part of her was reflecting on what she had gone through."
Thank you, you put my thoughts just like i wanted to do:) i've been waiting for an explanation and interpretation like this of Sam's behavior against Ethan. Could you please still explain in wich way do you think Kristina is very similar as Sam? I'm not sure if i agree about that but if you mean that both of them has had a hard childhood in a different way though and that affects their life in its entirety so that's true. I once read or heard somewhere that Kristina herself believes and feels that in a first place her parents (especially Sonny) didn't want her and that causes her problems. I don't know?
What i'm looking for about Jasam is when Sam is dealing with this abuse story that Jason will get a chance to be there for he just like she has been there for him during every crisis he’s faced.
"to be there for he"
Sorry, meant her.
I think that both kristina and sam are alike in certain ways because they both have had low self esteem. sonny has never spent the time needed to get to know his daughter and she has felt that sonny doesn't care about her like he cares about his sons. She also has lied alot to get what she wants and, by sam's own admission, thats what sam used to do to get what she wanted also. Sam's pregnancy and her love for Jason is what changed her.
Thank you for your kindness for answering to me. I appreciate that :) I didn't think about the low self esteem issue at all but when you adduced it i truly agree with you. Now i remember Sam telling at least to Jason and Kris what her own low self esteem cost her in the past and that she never wants her sisters to go thru what she has suffered.
Where are the spoilers? Hope all is well with you, Sami.
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