Monday, January 5, 2009

Spoilers 1/5 updated at 12:30 est

Spixie.... Lots of rumors are around today about Spixie during a love montage and Spixie sex but i wouldn't quite hold your breath to it. Maxie admits she has real feelings for Spinelli but feels she doesn't deserve him.

Claudia... Claudia finds Jerry's last DVD but Sonny is hot on her trail. She later distracts Sonny through seduction and hides it when he isn't looking. Ric tells Claudia that Anthony has set Johnny up so he'll come back to the family for help. Ric tells Claudia to see if he can trust her, he tells her not to tell Johnny. She later visits Johnny where she encourages him to come back. When Carly goes to Sonny's she sees Claudia watching a DVD, Carly tells Claudia she's going to get Sonny to kick her out for good. Claudia learns Sonny is provoking war by moving shipmens through Jason's territory.

L&L2/JaSam... Liz implies to Lucky that Jason may have feelings for Sam. She tells him that she never asked Jason about his feelings for Sam after they ended because she was afraid of the answer. Lucky tells Liz that he thinks Sam is seeking Jason out behind his back. Liz apologizes for running to Jason during their marriage. She confesses to deliberately sabotaging Jason's relationship with Sam because she was angry at Lucky and jealous of Jasam while she was stuck being alone and pregnant. The LL2 kiss is on January 19th. Sam walks in on them and then leaves. Liz tells Lucky to go after her and Lucky says that he is right where he wants to be. Lucky then recalls what led up to LL2 kissing.

Leyla... Rumors suggest that Leyla will die during the crisis.

Dante... Kate spills the secret about Dante but not to save Sonny.

The Drug Caper... Way back when when Sam was receiving pain medication it was stated that the medication just wasn't working. Now there are rumors saying that there is more wrong with the medication other than it not working, they have harmful effects.

The Benefit... What is GH without an explosion. Looks like there will be some explosion at the benefit dinner which will include most of the cast being involved in. Sounds like to me most of these people will get hurt and when they try to treat them with medication they will learn that the medication has been tampered with and ends with deadly results. Jason and Sam will be teaming up to stop what is happening. This time though the Doctors and Nurses are the real heroes. Robin will be making things worse with her PPD she will be giving out bad medication without properly checking them. New Doctor Rebecca is rumored to be a hero as well figuring out the problem. Other heroes include Patrick and Matt.

Jolu... Luke will help Johnny escape from his assault charges. Both Lulu and Tracy are at the hospital during the benefit dinner dateless, while Luke and Johnny look for a way in. Lulu is forced to choose between two brothers, and instead she chooses herself.

PPD... As I said earlier look for Robin to cause most of the confusion with medication when she doens't check the medication properly. Carly will also take notice to Robin's unfocused behavior, and usually uncaring to the victims.

Nikadine... I actually have a question for you, wasn't the Equinox corporation the ones that manufactured Jerry's suitcase the explodes upon the wrong code entry. Interesting if thats the case. Nadine will be fully against using Raylene's Patent for war. Looks like Nadine comes from one hell of a family. Her first love was killed in Iraq her Dad died due to medical negligence and her sister is in a coma for killing patients at GH and now looks like Raylene was involved in this. Rebecca helps save Nadine with Nik's help at the benefit.

Sason... Sonny is aware that Jason will have to choose either him or Spinelli.

More to come...

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